Brief Overview of CJCHT's Current Sustainability Program and Initiatives

By Clare Chen and Raymond Wang, January 10, 2012
Brief Overview of CJCHT's Current Sustainability Program and Initiatives
Executive summary:
CJCHT has dedicated her sustainability efforts to R&D and supply chain management. Substantial R&D efforts (see by CJCHT have brought ''less material required'' and ''process chemical free (PCF)'' into a possible selection, and better supply chain management (shown as can help green & sustainable achievements done by whole organizations and our suppliers rather than just a show case by only executives' talks.
Current Sustainability Programs:
1.Light weighted cardboards and boxes:
By means of its proprietary technology: ZEO®/FreshMagic® reinforcement solutions (, CJCHT is seeking for overall 10% more saving on cost and materials by requiring light weighted cardboards/boxes for every order in transactions. Every box and cardboard's purchase through whole supply chain has been consolidated by a single purchase unit: to monitor the cost and quality as required. In year 2010, we have received a third party recognition report (ClearCarbon & Wal Mart) by successfully saving 185 tons CO2 via each 526,000 average corrugate boxes in year 2009 (*see the sustainability report on website). It shows significant achievement and savings in terms of raw material, raw material transportation, manufacturing of the box (''life cycle'') by comparing our ZEO®/FreshMagic® packagings vs. traditional ones.
We have also provided herewith 2011 number for WMT Canada orders via our sustainability efforts in year 2011, which represents 174 trees saved and 8.627 ton CO2 reduced (via WMT scorecards) by our continuous efforts. A more detailed report is available on our website: for an alternative ClearCarbon Analysis to re-structure the whole case by a carbon footprint method.

▲Figures1 & 2. Comparison of 526,000 ZEO® Boxes to 526,000 Average Corrugate Boxes * numbers reproduced based on ClearCarbon index for CJCHT orders of 2009.
2.From Process Chlorine Free (PCF) to Total Chlorine Free (TCF):
CJCHT has successfully brought the first TCF (Total Chlorine Free) cardboard manufactured in China at year 2010. In year 2011, we have requested all cardboards manufactured by CJCHT/ to be no chemicals additives involved and no chlorine applied in the cardboard process (i.e. PCF required), however with same cost maintained and guaranteed. Chlorine and its related compounds being reduced and removed via ZEO® process applied in cardboard manufacturing and is offered for free upon request. China is now seriously polluted by Chlorine and related pollutants into waterways. No Chlorine Free Cardboard supply chain existed in China except CJCHT/NANOZEO's infrastructure. A same cost maintained policy is enforced to make sure suppliers' willingness to follow our requirements.

3.Less plastics policy:
CJCHT has developed a series of solutions to replace or reduce plastics. Example like using paper hangers to replace plastic hangers. It has been tested and works for certain orders (not heavy ones). We use jute fabric combined with paper to offer similar plastic characteristics while total recyclable. Other examples like to use agriculture remains to substitute plastics partially or totally are also available. We believe our less plastics policy will gain better achievements in 2012 performance.
